About Sportstoon

In order to gauge the progress of a country, we should throw a look at its playgrounds”

At Sportstoon, we understand that a balance of fascination, skill and passion towards adolescent growth is imbibed through sports and participation in sporting activities provides room for opportunities for young blood to enrich their social and physical capabilities.

We are focused to provide an easy access to sport enthusiastics so that they may learn correct sports technique starting from home through personalised video/animated learning. Our aim is to provide a distinct kind of sports learning platform which can help young blood to learn sports online without the need of a personalized coach at the initial stages.

The vision of the company is to develop interest, skill & fitness through introduction of sports at an early stage of the child’s life which would encourage him/her to take it up as a long term career by developing capabilities required for playing the sport at any level. We also emphasize on parent-child interaction which ultimately plays a vital role in child’s overall development.